Tag Archives: God

Read The Sign(s)

I don’t believe in fate. Well, I think I don’t. Maybe I do. Just  a little. But I definitely don’t rely on it. Well, at least not most of the time. Only sometimes.
I guess what I mean is I don’t believe things happen because they are “supposed” to happen. But I do believe that you can learn from them.
Other times not so much. But you should definitely just go with it.
Well, maybe not.
Ok so I admit.. I don’t really know WHAT I think.
What I do know is this. If a car full of nuns with a priest driving cuts you off at first you should do the obvious. Get pissed off. It’s ok. Don’t feel guilty. It’s a normal reaction. I know I probably would. I mean, I’m usually pretty damned friendly but I’m only human (no really it’s true!)  and I have my moments.



So anyways, flip them off.
Then cuss them out.
But then… after you realize he’s still gonna go 15 miles an hour in front of you in a 35 mile an hour zone NO MATTER WHAT YOU YELL AT HIM and no matter what gestures you make with your hand or otherwise… I suggest you take a deep breath and think to yourself, “RELAX! Just reeeeeelaaaaax. Maybe this priest  cutting you off is saving you from a car accident you might have been involved in up ahead. So take a chill pill and go with it.”
And you really should. I know I do. Because you know, sometimes this fate thing just helps keep my sanity. And besides, maybe things DO happen for a reason. And who do I think I am to think otherwise? Sometimes… you just gotta read the signs when they are right in front of you.
“What does this all mean, in the grand scheme of things?” you might be asking yourself. Well, the answer is simple!